Saturday, October 23, 2010


TODAY I attended an African Blessing of the marriage. I arrived at the usual 7 AM Mass in my dungarees and sat behind the couple at least in their fifties. I had no idea I was at a wedding until after the initial prayers they were asked to come forward and pronounce their vows. There were friends who were placing flower like things on their necks that looked like Hawaiian Leigh’s. When they had finished reciting their vows there was heard a whooping sound from everyone like the sound Indians used to make when they were going to attack some settlers in an old cowboy movie and some clapping that lasted only 15 seconds or so. It is the traditional Tanzanian way of showing approval. It was comical to my American ears. The couple were married for a long time, The husband is Muslim and the wife Catholic.
In Tanzania the husband has to sign a legal contract to bring his children up Catholic. The Law states that if he does not do this his marriage contract is dissolved. This husband as I observed at the Mass was very devout. He is very zealous in studying the Gospels and is expected to convert to our Faith


The little five year boy who was i n for malnourishment was discharge yesterday. Thank you for your prayers

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack,
    Hope this finds you doing well. It amazed how resilient the children were and how quickly they bounced back. We had a few at the clinic so weak with malaria they couldn't stand up and then 2-3 days later ready for discharge.
    Keep up the good work!!
    Hi to everyone at the clinic, thanks for setting up SR. Ernesta with an e-mail address.
    God Bless, Carol
