Sunday, October 31, 2010


I went to Sebuko, which is the very large house where the formation house is and where there are many bedrooms for meetings and residences for the priests. It is very similar to monasteries in the states and Europe. It was most likely built by Europeans. It has running water hot showers, electricity from power company and generator backup. It comprises 150 acres of active farmland, which the Order uses to raise money by selling crops and to supply food for the candidates at the formation house and the priests in residence.
The Head of the Province in this area is Fr. Beatus with whom I had the privilege of joining for supper two days. He is a very exceptional man, holy Priest who was a delight to be with. He was talking about the importance of relationship in African culture. If you go to some ones house they will not let you leave without offering you something. It is almost mandatory to accept something. He described to me a ritual that takes place between and son and a father that he has disappointed. The son will ask a wise person to accompany him to the father. He will invite the neighbors and friends to come with him. He will ask the fathers forgiveness and when he grants forgiveness he will present the father with a glass of beer. Another example is the ritual of bringing two leaves of the isale (Swahili word) tree to a person you have offended and he can not refuse you forgiveness. Before Christian forgiveness was adopted. This ritual was in place. One of the motivating factors was the fact that that the elders would threaten the sons and daughters with a curse With Christian forgiveness now in the picture the ritual has been redeemed and forgiveness and love has supplanted fear and threats. His gratitude for Christianity is expressed so warmly in what it has done for relationships. He expressed the beauty of sharing with another individual that you always receive something from each person that you can not get by yourself. I have also felt that everyone here is very concerned that I am happy and well taken care of. The Nuns insist on carrying my things when they see me carrying something as well as the priests. Elders  are not supposed to be left to do things for themselves. It is also that I am a guest. I may move here..

1 comment:

  1. Jack,
    When I was there in June, each day Sr. Ernesta would say "you should go back to your room and rest" I would say are you going to rest? She would answer no. Then one night at supper she tried to give me all 5 pieces of chicken. I said absolutely not one for each of us--then she put the biggest one on my plate. Their generosity knows no bounds. Even the children are this way--the small boy I gave a piece of candy to broke it with his teeth and handed it off to the little ones. We could learn something from them.
