Friday, October 15, 2010

Dear Jack

Was great to hear from you. Glad to hear about all your doings with the boys and marcy's prowess with games. I am proud of her keeping up her running and competitions.
     I have t tell everyone the experience of drive to Moshi on the dirt roads which are about 45 minutes to an hour and the crowded roads that are somewhat paved and also packed with pedestrians, markets, bicycles,cattle and anything else you can imagine. Fr Priscus is somewhat like me , he doesnt like delays. His weapon is his horn and his "ace in the hole" is that his car can threaten anyone who even takes a step towards his vehicle  to move back.
Of course the roads are only two lanes so there are tense moments passing on a blind curve to find a timber truck in the same lane you are in bearing down on you. There are people on top of luggage racks of buses. There are men standing inside vans with their heads out the window. There are men standing on a load of lumber hanging on to a bar bouncing up and down with the load. Pedestraians  seem to have no fear. We pass within inches of them and they don"t even turn their head. The dirt roads are the epitomy of shake it up baby. Fr's strategy is the faster you go over the bumps the less chance you have of the tire hitting that bump on the ground. It is a numbers game. I have repect for toyota trucks. Give my love to Marcy and the Boys.  Love ,Dad

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack,
    After a few trips to Moshi on those roads, I asked Fr. do you know what a chiropracter is? He said no and I informed him it would take mine months to realign my bones after all the jarring.
    One time we were really cruising and out of no were this young cow jumps in the road. With the skill of a daytona 500 driver, Fr. never slowed down and dodged around it. Fr. was in America for a few weeks and when I asked him about our country he said, you have beautiful roads there even in the small towns (he spent time in Idaho with Fr. Everest).
    Take good care, Carol
