Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I went to the ward last night to check on the little malnourished boy. Sr Daria said he is improving.
    I have many patients every day who have pains on the left or the right in areas where I know I cannot  comment because of bowel which ultrasound cannot penetrate. Xray is needed here to do upper GI series, barium enemas, etc. The problem is electricity. The solar power donated by some generous Italians is great but is limited to conservative usage. There is some promise from the government of electricity in a year or so. There are poles on the ground around here but everyone says it is because elections are coming soon. Fr Priscus is appealing to Carol for a bigger generator to supply more light and water.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jack,
    You echo my sediments exactly, Fr. explained 80% of the electric from the solar is used to run the pump for water. With a big diesel generator, Fr. can afford the diesel to run the generator for 2 hours and free up the other electric for the clinic and rectory and convent. You want an Xray room, I want to build them an operating room. Let's turn our dreams into reality !!!
