Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Clarita  the house cook and resident a young woman in her late twenties came in in her demure way of telling one person quietly that the fields west of us were on fire. Fr Priscus the 48 yo Pastor jumped into action with a branch with thick branches beating out the fire on the edge of the eight to ten feet flames fanned by the high winds and the dessicated vegitation of straw grass from years of drought. Fr Amadeus and I followed but soon returned when we realized he in his sandals and me in my good shoes were of no use. The concern about the goats pen and the sheds near the fire was now mitigated because Fr Priscus had redirected the fire to the newly cultivated fields where it would die out. The scattered houses in the area were also protected by their cultivated fields.At least five acres had burned. No firemen to call. Just a Priest Manager who has a positive attitude about every thing.  This incident took place on28 sept. Last night we had a repeat fire in an adjacent area. no ill effects. Thank God for the cultivated fields.  I will try to begin writing more frequently. There is so much to tell. I am trying to spent all my time being avaiable to the very busy Nuns. I will just say. I had the experience of seening the Doctor, Sr Ernesta swabbing the floors of the hospital during off hours. Stuart Cardiology and Cardiology Asssociates take note. Jack


  1. Hi Jack,
    it's great hearing from you. Your friends in Martin Memorial South are thinking of you. We're glad that everything is going great. Hopefully, no more fires.

    Hey Jack,
    I am proud of you Bud. I am glad to hear that you're getting settled in and that God is using you in a great way! Chuck S. wants more information on the goats. He is getting hungry!!! Love, Chuck D.

  2. HI Jack, Keep us posted of your daily activities. We are all so proud of what you are doing. You are just a great guy. Talk to you soon. I bet the food is nothing near what Norma cooks for you. Have a great day and keep in touch.
