Thursday, February 23, 2012



I bro^ght my laptop comp^ter so that I co^ld talk to my very sweet wife who was self sacrificing eno^gh to grant me three months leave to do what the Lord  p^t on my heart to do here in Ngarenoirobi Please exc^se my keyboard I can not type a period or a letter pronounced yo^ or ewe bec^ase I was s^tpid eno^gh to try to clean Ngarenoiroibi ever present d^st off my keyboard with toothpaste I fiig^red if it can whitten teeth it can whiten my keyboard Common sense was sacrificed to logic Any way I wanted to be smart and talk to My Q^erida on Skype All I needed was the internet Little did I know what was in store for me To get the internet in Tanzania yo^ have to drive 1/12 ho^rs to Moshi Town and b^y a thing like a Flash drive that is called a modem I p^rchsed one sold by Vodacom Yo^ p^t the modem in the ^sb port of yo^r laptop and it is s^ppose to find the signal and connect yo^ to the internet The tower for the thing is abo^t two football fields from the ho^se It only works some days and every time yo^ try to get on line it tell yo^ yo^ are not connected I try to talk to Norma and even tho^gh connected it says yo are off line or yo^ modem is not responding We talk sometimes a few seconds and it c^ts o^t It is the poorest exc^se for technology I have ever ^sed I think the owners of this company are outright robbers taking the peoples money and delivering s^ch a scandol^s  ab^se of h^mane respect If I were to live here longer I wo^ld organize a law s^it against these robbers of the p^blic I have spent ho^rs wresling with the thing trying to downlod a simple application for someone I wish I cold talk to an exective of s^ch an o^trage of a larceny b^t I do^bt they have a conscience It told me it wo^ld take two and one half hors to download one application PEOPLE OF TANZANIA RISE ^P 

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