Thursday, January 19, 2012


FR Joseph pulled up to a winding steep road off the main road. He got out to change the hubs to four wheel drive. I soon realized we were not on a road but just rutts that gave only a clue as to where we were going. The angle of ascent quickly got me thinking of geometry trying to come up with an angle to justify any injuries I could possible incur because I thought it a very real possibility. Mary Laguerre and Allison Lawton were in the rear seat. Their eyes told me they had the same realization. All holding on so hard no time to grab the rosary. This ascent did not end what we thought might be a driveway American style. We soon realized this was only the beginning of a  place of intense mountain and slope dwellers. We had plenty of time for intense prayer. After one of those eterni ties we came to what looked like an haven of level ground realatively speaking which turned out to be the house of Fr Josephs father. We soon were introduced to this man of great peace, the father of three priests. We saw his house built in 1946 of tree branches tightly weaved into a fairly tight barrier against the elements. We enjoyed  a wonderfull meal and went to sleep looking forward to the three kilometer descent down a mountain path to where the church is located for Sunday Mass. I was awaked in the middle of the night with shortness of breath due to some unknown allergy and the effects of a healing ear infection. I was pacing back and forth trying to breathe and say my rosary waiting for dawn before it finally dawned on me take my pseudofed to clear the nasal passages. I finally when back to sleep for two hours till morning. The 10,000 ft altitude had triggered a more acute reaction. I told Fr Joseph that I would feel more comfortable going back to town to Moshi. 

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