Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The highly detailed pics are inside the Boma which is very cleverly 
 designed. This first pic is right near the clinic
cows at the entrance this family yard

Sr Asteria asking permission to take pics

inside  the boma

the entrance

two residents

the back yard shed

Sr Asteria with Mt Meru in background

boma and rather ordinary house....modern influence

village blvd


  1. You finally figured out how to post the pictures! The pictures are great. We really enjoy seeing what it is like there. Thank you!

  2. Hi Jack,
    Please ask Fr. Priscus to check his e-mail as I have sent him the great news that we have a sponsor for Juliet's school fees the entire amount. I am planning with Fr. Mark's help to send him a moneygram on Saturday afternoon. If I understand correctly, it will go to Moshi and after I send him the "secret code" he can go pick it up. Since school starts in January arrangement will have to be made and the Srs. will have to find a new house girl.
    God is good!! I had just finished explaining to Fr. that there was no way to raise the funds by January and here they are now.
    PS Fr. Priscus' drill and other stuff went out on Friday 11/26/10 and usually takes 5-6 weeks to arrive.
    Take care and God Bless, Carol
